Twenty-First Century Skills Retraining Needs of Mechanical Engineering Craft Practice Teachers in Technical Vocational Institutions in the North West Zone of Nigeria
This study aims to determine the twenty-first-century skills retraining needs of mechanical engineering craft practice teachers in technical vocational institutions in the North West zone of Nigeria. The specific objectives were to determine the technical skills possessed and needed by MECP teachers in technical schools in the North West zone of Nigeria. A descriptive research design was adopted to reach out to a population of 78 MECP teachers in the technical colleges in the North West geo-political zone. The instrument for data collection used was a four-category response Mechanical Engineering Craft Practice Teachers Skill Possessed Instrument (MECPSPI), while the second is the Mechanical Engineering Craft Practice Skill Need Instrument (MECPSNI). The instrument was subjected to both validation and reliability with a reliability coefficient of 0.87. The data was analyzed using the mean statistic and the hypotheses using ANOVA at 95% confidence level. Results show that the technical skills possessed by MECP teachers in Technical Schools in North West zone of Nigeria were not digital skills in terms of drawing skills, machining skills, engineering material skills, hand tools skills and forming operation skills. The 21st century skills needed by MECP teachers were mostly digital skills. The results of the hypotheses show that MECP teachers in technical schools did not differ significantly based on their years of teaching experiences as it relates to the technical skills possessed and needed in North West zone of Nigeria. It was recommended, among others, that the Federal Government, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, design a comprehensive road map for up-skilling of MECP teachers periodically. Standing orders for the supply of modern digital machines and equipment should be made every five years to ensure meeting the world's best practice of acquiring new technological skills.