Studying and Analyzing the Impact of Psychological Capital on the Employees' Attitudes and Behaviors: An Empirical Study


Sally Kamel Ali M. Omran


PsyCap concept and its impact has been the focus of much attention in the last few years. Thus, this research aims at studying the impact of the nurses' PsyCap on their attitudes and behaviors.  For testing the proposed model and the developed hypotheses, this research is based on the collected data from a proportional stratified random sample of 384 full-time nurses who are working in two educational hospitals at Cairo University in Egypt.  The obtained results from the analyzed data indicate : (a) there is strong , positive and significant relationship between the nurses' PsyCap and their organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior; (b) there is strong , negative and significant relationship between the nurses' PsyCap and their  intention to leave and the counter productive work behavior;  and (c) hope, self-efficacy ,optimism and resilience operating jointly and explain 42.2% of the nurses desirable attitude and behavior and 35.4% of the undesirable attitude and behavior.


How to Cite
Omran, S. K. A. M. (2017). Studying and Analyzing the Impact of Psychological Capital on the Employees’ Attitudes and Behaviors: An Empirical Study. The International Journal of Business & Management, 5(3). Retrieved from