Conceptual Modeling for User Innovation and NPD Project Success in Japan Firms


Xue Wang
Akio Nagahira


Existing literatures on user innovation and new product development (NPD) have been debated rencently, the notion of the importance of user innovation, and NPD project success have caught a big attention in previous researches. Studies show that, firms following user innovation recognize the value of user experience into the process of NPD. Additionally, user collaboration brings stable and long-term successful results for new products. However, few scholars have explained how user innovation effect on NPD project success. Therefore, based on emperical findings, The purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual model for evaluating user innovation implementation in NPD project success, focuing on the three determinants to reveal the relationship between the user innovation and the new product development success: Degree of product market and technological newness, R&D strategy, User expertise. Meanwhile, we consider the effectiveness and efficiency as measuring factors of NPD success.


How to Cite
Wang, X., & Nagahira, A. (2017). Conceptual Modeling for User Innovation and NPD Project Success in Japan Firms. The International Journal of Business & Management, 5(4). Retrieved from