Factor Affecting Governance Performance on Controlling Tanzanite Mining, Case Study of Tanzanite One Company


Japhet Jacksoni Katanga


Tanzania was only special country in the world which produce Tanzanite allocated on Mererani area ,Tanzania intended to be one of the legally ownership of Tanzanite as longer many share part owned by foreigner, on these paper I will explain the moment of contribution on the Tanzanite to Tanzania economy but the question come on why Tanzania its only country produce Tanzanite but still suffer for the benefit of Tanzanite mining, also Article will touch the theoretical of ujamaa which being publish by Julius Nyerere under TANU.

This paper will analysis the factor of Tanzania to get negative impact on return of mining, instead of higher exploit rank of export mineral but still foreigner enjoy and build their economy through the mineral which got in Tanzania

I will go further to see the policy of Tanzania government they way used to capture tax from the mining sector, it seems most of mining sector they good to avoid to paid tax for scare to reduce the profitable return but another side it so harm for Tanzania economy on collect the revenue

According the efficient of mineral sector in Tanzania, will help direct positive to reflect contribute towards boosting of Tanzania economy for accelerate the basic form of social and economic development in all part of Tanzania. With the regard of rich of natural mineral potential resource, Tanzania economic become stabile, as the political issue also become stabile as well and attract the foreigner investment to do investigation in that sector. Tanzania need to framework the reform mining policy so there could be to favor Tanzania revenue


How to Cite
Katanga, J. J. (2017). Factor Affecting Governance Performance on Controlling Tanzanite Mining, Case Study of Tanzanite One Company. The International Journal of Business & Management, 5(6). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/124237