Does the Platform-based Management Promote Business Sustainability? : The Role of Employees' Vision and Excitement


Joong Deok Kwon
Min Jae Park


This study has performed an empirical analysis on how the two key pillars of Korean-style management, dream' and excitement' are mediated by platform based management in the business ecosystem to influence performance. To verify the mediating effects of the platform based management, a survey was conducted with employees in Korean corporations. Among the collected responses, 426 survey responses were analyzed and were subject to 3-stage regression analysis per the methods suggested by Baron & Kenny (1986). Moreover, to additionally verify the significance of the mediating effects, Sobel Tests were conducted; this study thus confirmed that ‘dream and excitement' was mediated by ‘platform based management' to significantly influence performance. This implies that ‘dream and excitement' are intangible assets shared in the platform's ecosystem, influencing the internal and external utility of the platform; this study is valuable in its verification of the significant influence of ‘dream and excitement' on performance through empirical research.


How to Cite
Kwon, J. D., & Park, M. J. (2017). Does the Platform-based Management Promote Business Sustainability? : The Role of Employees’ Vision and Excitement. The International Journal of Business & Management, 5(6). Retrieved from