Influence of Work Environment Factors on Teachers' Job Satisfaction in Public Primary Schools in Murang'a East Sub County
Introduction of Free Primary Education in Kenya, though a blessing to many parents, brought about increased cases of occupational hazards to teachers in public schools. The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of work environment factors on teachers' job satisfaction in Murang'a East Sub County. The study used a descriptive survey design. The target population was 53 public Primary schools with 596 teachers. Cluster sampling was used to pick 25 schools and 240 respondents. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data which was analysed using descriptive statistics, namely means, standard deviations and percentages. Relationships between independent variable (work environment factors) and dependent variable (job satisfaction) were established through correlation and regression techniques. Out of 240 questionnaires 215 were returned fully filled. From the study findings majority of respondents (66%) agreed on existence of good work environment conditions in the workplace. Consequently on job satisfaction majority of respondents (74%) were satisfied with work environment factors. Using correlation a strong positive relationship was established between work environment factors and teachers' job satisfaction. By use of regression work environment factors variable were found to be a significant predictor of teachers' job satisfaction variable. . From these study findings it can be concluded that work environment factors positively influence employees' job satisfaction.
How to Cite
Kihara, S. N., Gichuhi, D. M., & Kamau, A. W. (2017). Influence of Work Environment Factors on Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Public Primary Schools in Murang’a East Sub County. The International Journal of Business & Management, 5(7). Retrieved from