Liberalism and Citizens Economic Freedom


Tarekegn Jebessa Tesgersa


 Liberalism (western viewpoint) is facing a strong challenge particularly from the political perspective of communtarism (Eastern and African perspective). They are challenging it from the very view point that it allows private property right and individualism and this in turn deteriorate the social, political and economic freedom of criticizes. Liberalists contend for ‘universal citizenship' perspective. This point deals with homogenization of peoples through assimilation. This assimilation is only possible through intensive and expensive social re-engineering under which the ingenious cultures and traditions of the respective society could be destructed and such cultural genocide is against international human right law of 1948 G.C. My basic intent in producing this article, therefore, is to uncover the political crime of ‘liberalism political philosophy' in diminishing and limiting citizen's access for freedom socially, politically and economically.


How to Cite
Tesgersa, T. J. (2017). Liberalism and Citizens Economic Freedom. The International Journal of Business & Management, 5(8). Retrieved from