Strategic Resources, Organizational Capabilities and Performance in Public Sector Setting: Literature Review


Eunice M' mboga


Strategic resources give the foundation to create organization capacities that upgrade prevalent execution. Earlier reviews confirm that firms have assets that give the possibility to upper hand which in this manner prompt to predominant execution. However, a substantial portion of the reasonable and experimental work has concentrated on the qualities that assets must have keeping in mind the end goal to yield rents depicted as important, uncommon, matchless, and non-substitutable. This study meant to survey surviving hypothetical, reasonable and observational written works on linkage between Strategic resources, association abilities and execution; address rising concerns and propose a theoretical structure for connecting strategic resources, organizational capacities and execution. The study considered the theoretical review best practices as coherently researched on postulates of the resources based view (RBV) theory, resource dependence theory (RDT), agency theory, institutional theory and value chain analysis approach as most relevant. Empirical review concentrated on thematic areas of study, methodology, and context, research findings. Various studies were reviewed and critiqued to identify knowledge gaps. Conclusion was drawn and recommendations made.


How to Cite
mboga, E. M. (2017). Strategic Resources, Organizational Capabilities and Performance in Public Sector Setting: Literature Review. The International Journal of Business & Management, 5(10). Retrieved from