Determinants of Growth of Women Enterprises in Kiambu County, Kenya


Geoffrey Kimani Ndanuko
Janesther Karugu


significant contribution to the economy accounting for about 48% of all micro, small, and medium sized enterprises contributing about 20% to Kenya's Gross Domestic Product. The MSMEs sector has been identified and prioritized as a key growth driver for achievement of the development. This study was aimed at establishing whether financial and credit availability and accessibility, human capital and social structure determine growth of women enterprises in Kiambu County. Significant of the study was to uncover specific issues that women enterprises face, findings are useful to policy makers and also provide basis for further research. Descriptive research design was used in this study where questionnaires were administered to the targeted population of women enterprises from Kiambu County where stratified random sampling was used. The information was coded and analysed using descriptive statistics. Regression model was used to find out relationship between independent and dependent variables.  The findings indicate that access to finance had positive and significant effect on growth of women enterprises. Human capital was found to have a positive significant in explaining the variation of growth of women enterprises and lastly social structure was found to have a significant effect on growth of women enterprises. The study concludes that access to finance affected the growth of women enterprises.  The study also concludes that most women entrepreneurs get the initial capital from personal savings. The study concludes that access to finance affect women enterprises to a high extent. The study also concludes that collateral requirement affects the growth of women enterprises. On human capital and growth of women enterprises the study concludes that human capital affected the growth of women enterprises. The study also concludes that education level had an impacted on the growth of women enterprises. The study also concludes that employees in women enterprises are able to read and write thus influencing the growth of women enterprises. Further the study concludes that most women entrepreneurs are trained in business skills through formal training. Lastly, on social structure and growth of women enterprises, the study concludes that social structure affected the growth of women entrepreneurs.



How to Cite
Ndanuko, G. K., & Karugu, J. (2017). Determinants of Growth of Women Enterprises in Kiambu County, Kenya. The International Journal of Business & Management, 5(10). Retrieved from