Identification of Smart Energy Indicators for Measuring Smart City : An Indonesian Perspective


Indrawati .
Muh Haerdiansyah Syahnur
Husni Amani


Facing the big number of urban population, the city should implement smart city concept that can help urban citizen to improve their quality of life. A component of a smart city is smart energy. Implementing smart energy concept especially in Indonesia is important due to the urbanization rate is over the average of urbanisation in South Eastern Asia and Asia. This paper is a working paper discuss the variables and indicators of a smart energy coming from existing literatures, ideas from 21 respondents who are business players, experts, and customers' of smart energy in Indonesia. This study finds that there are eight variables and 24 indicators to measure if a energy services has implemented a smart energy concept.


How to Cite
., I., Syahnur, M. H., & Amani, H. (2017). Identification of Smart Energy Indicators for Measuring Smart City : An Indonesian Perspective. The International Journal of Business & Management, 5(11). Retrieved from