The Product-Based Tracking System by Using RFID Technologies in Logistics Applications


Ejder Aycin
Yilmaz Goksen
Senem Kilic


RFID systems supplies benefits like following the process of logistics better, executing inventory managing with less workers, decreasing labor costs and rate of waste, increasing costumer's service quality and following the attitude of costumer. The wrong placement on logistic applications, errors resulting from loading and processing, errors on information are reduces by RFID technology. Despite that, the height of the value of the investment and restructuring process show those RFID investments should be considered a strategic decision for the companies. In order to ensure the success of RFID, a comprehensive analysis of assessment, the acquisitions and the costs that are required by technology investments should be examined. This study aims to develop RFID technology to be used as a 'Product-Based Tracking System'. By using the system on the logistic processes, it will be tried to resolve the problems on the existing processes and to produce added value solutions to the companies.


How to Cite
Aycin, E., Goksen, Y., & Kilic, S. (2017). The Product-Based Tracking System by Using RFID Technologies in Logistics Applications. The International Journal of Business & Management, 5(11). Retrieved from