Determining the Crisis and Crisis Management Perceptions of Managers of 4 and 5 Star Hotels in Turkey


Oguz Diker


Crises are the chaotic environments that the societies encounter. All of the organizations, notably tourism organizations, must be prepared for crisis situation. The most effective way of that is carrying crisis management into effect. Crisis management necessitates the managers to have crisis policies. Accurate apprehension of the concept of crisis is the only way for an effective crisis management. This study aims to determine crisis and crisis management perceptions of 4 and 5-star hotel managers in Turkey. In this purpose, applied on 85 hotel managers and depending on the answers, the study defends the view that the managers think to be on the safe side against crises. The reason of that reported to be abstaining from the crises of past. A group of the managers mentioned that no activity can be performed unless there is a crisis, while another group mentioned that strategic action and plans can be performed. According to the hotel managers, it is effective with regards to crisis management to downsize in structure and personnel during the crisis.



How to Cite
Diker, O. (2017). Determining the Crisis and Crisis Management Perceptions of Managers of 4 and 5 Star Hotels in Turkey. The International Journal of Business & Management, 5(11). Retrieved from