Technology Leadership Self-Efficacy: The Case of Lebanese Private School Principals


Khalil Al Jammal


The aim of this study was to investigate technology leadership self-efficacy for Lebanese private school principals in the administrative work as well as in teaching and learning. For this purpose, an extensive review of the literature of self-efficacy was conducted which constituted the base for the generation of a survey instrument consisting of two sections: Section A is composed of 16 administrative tasks related to technology leadership and section B is composed of 16 teaching and learning tasks related to technology leadership. The questionnaire was sent to 117 Lebanese private schools. The total sample consisted of 117 school principals (N= 117) and 207 teachers (N=207). School principals were requested to rate how certain they are that they can do each of the 32 tasks related to technology leadership right now. Regarding teachers, they were asked to identify the extent to which principals are practicing and performing each of these technology leadership activities right now. Data was analyzed using SPSS 21.0 for windows. The study results provided a positive image about technology leadership self-efficacy for Lebanese private school principals. These principals are certain that they can do the technology leadership activities related to the administrative work and to teaching and learning. According to teachers, the principals are doing these activities well. However, teachers' data were not as positive as those provided by the school principals. Thus, this shows that technology leadership self-efficacy and skills for Lebanese school leaders could be further boosted. Limitations of the study are mentioned and suggestions for future research are presented. The study offers recommendations to help school leaders enhance their technology leadership self-efficacy and skills.


How to Cite
Jammal, K. A. (2016). Technology Leadership Self-Efficacy: The Case of Lebanese Private School Principals. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(1). Retrieved from