Consumer Behavior towards Buying of Smart Phone A Case of Jinnah University for Women


Shaista Kamal Khan
Nighat Abid
Sidra tul Muntaha
Anusha Jamal


The purpose of this study is to find out the factors influencing the consumer buying behavior towards mobile phones in Jinnah University for Women. To accomplish the purpose of the study, a sample of 120 respondents. Both primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed. Moreover, five independent factors, i.e. price, product features, brand image, durability and after sales services were taken into account and examined through the use of correlation, multiple regression analysis and reliability test. From the analysis, it was known that durability was the main factor that influence consumer buying behavior followed by price as the most important variable among all and it also enforce the consumer to select a mobile phone from substitute brands. The study suggested that the mobile phone sellers should consider the above mentioned factors to improve their brand image in the consumer's mind. The finding of the study shows all independent variables such as price, durability, after sale service and features have an influence on dependent variable which is consumer buying behaviours towards mobile phones and except brand image has not an influence on dependent variable which is consumer buying behaviours towards mobile phones.


How to Cite
Khan, S. K., Abid, N., Muntaha, S. tul, & Jamal, A. (2016). Consumer Behavior towards Buying of Smart Phone A Case of Jinnah University for Women. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(1). Retrieved from