A Study on Employee Retention in an Organization Level


K. Ramya Sri
B. Ramya Krishna
A. Md. Farmanulla


Employee retention refers to the ability of the organization to retain its employees for maximum period of time or until the completion of the project. Employee retention is beneficial to both the employee and the organization and it is emerging as a big challenge to the organizations. Employee may leave the job due to several factors which interfere with his/her work life as well as personal life. Some factors are dissatisfaction, no growth opportunities, lack of appreciation, lack of trust and support, stress due to work overload, compensation, higher education, and new job offers etc. the process of retention is not easy as it seems. Organization culture, good relationships, pay and remuneration, work environment, supervisor support, family support, flexibility, highly influence the retention rate for any company. The paper provides the prevalent and potential reasons for an employee to leave his/her job and also talks extensively about the problems faced by an organization associated with high employee turnover. The paper elaborates the retention factors such as training, skill recognition, career development etc., and helps in understanding the importance of employee motivation for the cause of employee retention.


How to Cite
Sri, K. R., Krishna, B. R., & Farmanulla, A. M. (2016). A Study on Employee Retention in an Organization Level. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(2). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/126204