Change Management and Certain Implementation Perspectives: What Went Wrong?


Priti Verma


In the 21st century, the concept of Globalization, increasing interference of technology, biting competition, mushrooming growth of private universities can stifle any university's growth, efficiency, expansion and reputation. Hence, change is the need of time and its implementation process is crucial to success. There are two areas of the organization: One that is ready for change (Top management) and another that is unprepared. Generally, the top management, inside the boardroom decides what changes are to be introduced. Millions of rupees are invested. The key components of implementation process: "proactive” efforts - disseminating information, awareness, manuals, an extensive two-way communication with the employees are ignored. Can any change be the strengths of an organization without proper involvement of employees?” The ramifications are-employees' dissatisfaction, confusion and frustration and large scale employee turnover. Could it help achieve final goal: profitability and international standards? The basic requisite of change-establishing an environment receptive to change, focus on the mechanism to clarify the facts to various stakeholders of what is going to change, why, and what benefits they can expect to derive from the change, are ignored resulting in chaos. This scenario is presented through the case study of XYZ University.


How to Cite
Verma, P. (2016). Change Management and Certain Implementation Perspectives: What Went Wrong?. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(2). Retrieved from