Rationale for Sex Education: Strategy for Reduction of Gender Based Violence among Nigerian Youth


Evans obinna Rosemary Nkechinyere


Sex and sexual instinct is part of human nature and one of the most wonderful gifts of nature to mankind. Evidence abound to suggest that violence in the society is a global issue. In Nigeria, Violence appears to be a permanent phenomenon. Daily newspapers report of varying violent incidences in our National Assemblies, homes, place of work, motor parks, markets, schools and tertiary institutions. But in most cases, women are the unfortunate victims of societal violence. Traditionally, adolescents are not given any information on sexual matters, with discussion of these issues being considered taboo. Such instruction as was given was traditionally left to a child's parents. Nowadays, sex is being glamorized in books, television, phones and movies. These places do not really encourage our youths to become chaste and also maintain conduct that gives them real happiness both now and in the future. Since they are curious to know about sex, it will really be demanding if they are not given sex education both at home and in the school. Sex education does not mean instructing the youth in sexual techniques or acts, rather it entails giving the necessary facts or knowledge about sex and encouraging questions and discussions. It is rather a preventive measure against sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes and worse still HIV/AIDS, unwanted pregnancies and abortion and at extreme cases untimely death. There is therefore every need to guide the youths in the right direction by providing them with the most needed information and to be supportive in weighing the consequences of their actions. As some perceive sex education and public discussions on human sexuality as a taboo. This discourse therefore sets to examine the rationale for sex education, gender based violence, the concept of sex education and youth sexuality of education of youths and who gives sex education and how. In addition, the paper suggests possible measures to reduce violence among Nigerian youths and recommends the need for adequate sex education.


How to Cite
Nkechinyere, E. obinna R. (2016). Rationale for Sex Education: Strategy for Reduction of Gender Based Violence among Nigerian Youth. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(2). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/126218