An Analysis on the Influence of Social Media Presence in Promoting NESCAFí‰, a Leading Brand of NESTLí‰ Bangladesh Limited


Rakhi K. Zaman


Today's business world requires continuous innovation while conducting promotional activities to ensure long-term sustainability. Rigorous approaches towards research for innovative advertising can contribute significantly for the goal attainment of a brand. Along with traditional communication, social media platform has gained tremendous popularity to promote brands effectively in recent days. NESTLí‰ Bangladesh has also stepped ahead to this and focused on effective investment for social media communication. This study "An Analysis on the Influence of Social Media Presence in Promoting NESCAFí‰, a leading brand of NESTLí‰ Bangladesh Limited.” depicts a study on the significance of social media communication in the awareness building of a reputed brand of the company, NESCAFí‰.

The main objective of the study is to measure the influence of Social Media Communication on creating Brand Awareness of "NESCAF퉔. The specific objectives are to develop an insight about the existing consumer engagement with the brand through social media, to identify the influential factors that increase the consumer engagement, to identify the gap between consumer expectation and brand offerings for creating more involvement with the brand and to provide suggestive measures in order to ensure a sustainable relationship with the brand through social media communication.

While conducting the study, both primary and secondary data have been used. The present condition of Digital Media Marketing in the entire industry as well as some relevant information has been collected from the Consumer Engagement Manager and some other employees of NESTLí‰ Bangladesh Limited through several personal interviews. Opinions from Facebook analysts have been considered to develop an insight about the target consumers. An online survey has also been conducted to generate an idea about the perception of consumers regarding the NESCAFí‰ fan page. Some articles regarding social media communication and relevant studies have been used as secondary sources of information. After collecting data, analysis has been conducted through Facebook insights from the NESCAFí‰ fan page and through using an advanced tool Radian 6-Social Studio.

From the analysis, it can be clearly observed that the consumers are involved with the NESCAFí‰ fan page at a satisfactory level. Some features in contents like inspiration, motivation, emotional appeal, self-empowerment, aspiration and admire have been identified as highly appreciated by the consumers. Few consumers have developed some negativism with the TVC of NESCAFí‰ due to being dubbed from a foreign version. It has been clearly observed from the analysis that the consumers feel more connected when they can associate their daily happenings with the brand itself. So, an effective blend of their trend as well as conversation with brand theme-inspiration can ensure increased consumer engagement. Considering these preferences of the target consumers as well as developing approaches to compete sustainably through social media communication, along with traditional advertising can accelerate the overall success of the leading brand NESCAFí‰.



How to Cite
Zaman, R. K. (2016). An Analysis on the Influence of Social Media Presence in Promoting NESCAFí‰, a Leading Brand of NESTLí‰ Bangladesh Limited. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(2). Retrieved from