An Empirical Analysis of Satisfaction/ Dissatisfaction and Its Attributes in Northern India Telecom Service Industry


Nishant Kumar
Gajendra Singh


Measurement of customer satisfaction/ Dissatisfaction in telecom services has received increasing prominence due to researcher's desire to measure outcomes that reflect the customer's inimitable standpoint. In this study, we report results of a study examining the usefulness of Customer Satisfaction/ Dissatisfaction in the consumer preference & retention of customers. Exploratory Factor Analysis Techniques was employed to identify the prominent factors behind customer satisfaction/ dissatisfaction. Parallel analysis was used for determining the number of components or factors to retain from Principal Component Analysis. The specific influence of Satisfaction/ Dissatisfaction factors on consumer preference & retention has been attempted through Multivariate Regression Analysis in order to develop an instrument to measure effectiveness of Customer Satisfaction/ Dissatisfaction.


How to Cite
Kumar, N., & Singh, G. (2016). An Empirical Analysis of Satisfaction/ Dissatisfaction and Its Attributes in Northern India Telecom Service Industry. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(3). Retrieved from