Theme: Phraseological Observation in Everyday Discursive Conversations of Different Age Groups and Their Backgrounds


Shpresa Gjergji


The study of the phraseological expressions usage in today communication takes a special importance focusing the view of complex communication of our time and also the socio-cultured statue in everyday discursive conversations of different aspects.

Object of this study is the presence of figurative speaking in everyday discursive conversations in Albanian language and aims to introduce the language relationship describing it by a detailed observation and a functional explanation which is related directly with evidences of the utterance of speech of three different age groups with different backgrounds: by the manner of speech interaction, including here phraseological units, motivated or not by metaphors or similesetc., (figures of speech),with the theme of human body.

According to it, those phraseological units are seen effectively as communicative means bringing the intensity of thought, created the meaning between of what is said and what is understood, in order to bring also socio-cultured reality of daily routine in our life.


How to Cite
Gjergji, S. (2016). Theme: Phraseological Observation in Everyday Discursive Conversations of Different Age Groups and Their Backgrounds. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(3). Retrieved from