Assessing the Effects of Sound Financial Statement Preparation on the Growth of Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises


Edinam Agbemava
Godwin Ahiase
Edward Sedzro
Thomas Clarkson Adade
Albert K. Bediako
Israel Kofi Nyarko
Matthew Brains Kudo


The objective of this study is to assess the contribution of sound financial statements preparation to the growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and identify the challenges SMEs face in preparing their financial statements. The study employed descriptive survey design and targeted SMEs operating in Ho Municipality of Ghana. A sample of 200 respondents was selected purposively for review. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and the results presented using tables and figures. The study result revealed that many SMEs maintained sales day book using single entry bookkeeping. Most SMEs prepare financial statements with the help of full-time accounts officers. Majority of SMEs highlighted high cost involved maintaining and preparing financial statements as a challenge in preparing financial statements. The study findings also show that there is a significant relationship between sound financial statement preparation and SMEs growth. Sound accounting bookkeeping leading to sound preparation of financial statements serves as leverage to SMEs in monitoring, analyzing their business for financial performance evaluation and accessing credits from financial institutions which translates into their growth ultimately.


How to Cite
Agbemava, E., Ahiase, G., Sedzro, E., Adade, T. C., Bediako, A. K., Nyarko, I. K., & Kudo, M. B. (2016). Assessing the Effects of Sound Financial Statement Preparation on the Growth of Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(3). Retrieved from