Cluster Analysis for Market Segmentation: A Study Conducted in Aligarh Muslim University Malappuram Centre, Kerala


Waqaruddin Siddiqui


Regardless of them any kinds of procedures available for categorizing individuals into market segments on the basis of multivariate survey information, clustering is the most used procedure. A review of the application of such data-driven categorizing procedures reveals that standards have aroused that are questionable. For example, the investigative essence of categorizing procedure is typically not considered for, critical specifications of the algorithms used are neglected, therefore, it leads to a dangerous black-box approach, but the main reasons for these specific outcomes are not fully understood, pre-processing techniques are used uncritically resulting to segmentation solutions in needlessly altered data space, etc. Main aim of this research paper is to unearth typical patterns of data driven segmentation studies, giving a censorious analysis of resulted standards and recommending advancements.

For the study the information was gathered with the help of a questionnaire on the profile of target audience in terms of lifestyle, attitude, and perception.

The result was used in our analysis. We used the statistics computer programme SPSS to easier see the significance of results.


How to Cite
Siddiqui, W. (2016). Cluster Analysis for Market Segmentation: A Study Conducted in Aligarh Muslim University Malappuram Centre, Kerala. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(3). Retrieved from