Vision and Mission in Organization: Myth or Heuristic Device?


Taiwo Akeem A.
Lawal Fatai Alani
Agwu M. Edwin


Vision and mission statements are considered as an important part of strategic management process for organization. It applies to all types of organizations such as public, private, profit or non-profit making, multinational as well as small and medium scale enterprises. A well prepared vision and mission statements would distinguish one organization from another by showing unique characteristic that differentiates it from others. This paper seeks to analyze the significance of vision and mission statements on the attainment of organizational goals. The paper focused on exploring the roles and significance of vision and mission statements to an organization. The findings indicate that vision and mission statements that were properly crafted and implemented could influence organizational employee in their day-to-day activities and assist in the attainment of organizational goals with the mission and vision as a guiding light. The study recommends that organization should craft a meaningful vision and mission statements in order to place the organization on the right path. Furthermore, these should be updated with the passage of time for currency and better focus for the organization. Finally, organizational managers must check regularly the levels of compliance and its adequacy and their contribution to the performance of the organization and the achievement of its set goals.


How to Cite
A., T. A., Alani, L. F., & Edwin, A. M. (2016). Vision and Mission in Organization: Myth or Heuristic Device?. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(3). Retrieved from