The Hospitality's Contribution for the Destination's Image Developments and Implications'


Marco Paulo Martins
í“scar Lima da Silva


The hospitality understood as the kindness in welcoming guests or strangers, has a very broad definition, encompassing not only the business sector and the market, but also individuals and the relationships that they establish among themselves. Involves exchange relations in the economic, sociocultural and environmental areas. The cities to be competitive must be alert to human exchanges and the ways in which they are established in order to use them in their own favor, by supplying quality services to tourists, having in mind the current demand requirements. Having said this, one must also say that human relationships that are established in destinations, or be, between those who receive and those who are welcomed are extremely important to the creation of a unique and differentiated brand image. This study seeks to understand the importance of hospitality to the creation of a positive and differentiated image among the tourists that the destination hosts.


How to Cite
Martins, M. P., & Silva, í“scar L. da. (2016). The Hospitality’s Contribution for the Destination’s Image Developments and Implications’. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(3). Retrieved from