Factors Affecting the Brand Loyalty in Smartphones: A Survey of Loyalty Behavior of Customers in University of the Punjab


Mula Nazar Khan
Muhammad Rizwan
Sufyan Rasheed
Mehran Habib


Problem statement: How many factors that influence the brand loyalty in smartphones of customers.

Purpose of the Research: Aim of this research is to determine the different factors that lead the brand loyalty in smartphones in Pakistan's smartphone market.

Conceptual Framework: A conceptual model is formulated after the critical evaluation and analysis of academic journals based customer satisfaction and other independent variables to dependent variable.

Methodology: Quantitative approach is used to quantify the relationship between dependent and independent variables based on the proposed theoretical model that delineates the relationships between dependent variable brand loyalty and the independent variables customer satisfaction, perceived quality, brand experience, brand image, brand switching cost and product involvement.

Data: In total 105 responses were collected through a structured questionnaire from different places in Punjab University. Apple and Samsung brand users are interviewed in the data gathering process.

Findings: The analysis propose customer satisfaction, customer product involvement and brand image was the strong-minded brand loyalty in Apple brand, whereas customer satisfaction was the only strong-minded elements in Samsung smartphone brand.


How to Cite
Khan, M. N., Rizwan, M., Rasheed, S., & Habib, M. (2016). Factors Affecting the Brand Loyalty in Smartphones: A Survey of Loyalty Behavior of Customers in University of the Punjab. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(4). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/126300