Product Quality and Customer Satisfaction (Case Study Proton Holdings Berhad)


Is'haq Ibrahim Bani Melhem


In the year 1983, Malaysia's first national automobile manufacturer, Proton Holdings Berhad was inaugurated. This study is aimed at examining the quality of products manufactured by Proton and the satisfaction levels of its customers. The study intends to dwell on the issues that Proton needs to address with accordance to its philosophy which covers aspects of quality and customers' interest in areas such as style, engine, after sales services and maintenance. This study intends to explore customer's behavior and feedback by adopting the questionnaire methodology to improve the company's sales outcome and to identify its weaknesses for future mitigation steps to be implemented.



How to Cite
Melhem, I. I. B. (2016). Product Quality and Customer Satisfaction (Case Study Proton Holdings Berhad). The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(4). Retrieved from