Does Tendering Processing Enhance Organizational Performance? Analysis of Kenya Wildlife Service


Simion Loth Kipsaiya
Salome Richu


This study sought to analyze the effect of tendering process in enhancing performance at Kenya Wildlife Service. The study specifically sought to identify the tendering methods used by the Kenya Wildlife Service, determine the effects of applying these tendering methods on the organization performance and to establish the challenges faced while implementing them. The researcher used a case study as it allowed an in-depth investigation with regard to the subject of the study. Cause and effect relationships of variables were done quantitatively using a multiple regression analysis. Primary data was collected by use of questionnaires. The target population was 338 employees from various departments where 101 were sampled. The instrument was piloted to 20 special selected members of procurement department in Kenya Wildlife Service which were then excluded from the main study. Data was analyzed by using both qualitative and quantitative statistics. The findings of the study showed that tendering methods adopted includes open tenders to encourage competition, selective tenders for fair pricing, restricted tenders for specialized works and services only, open tenders for transparency of operations, serial tenders to avoid work disruption and negotiated tenders for specialized major jobs which ensures the organization improves its performance by selecting the right contractor who can add value to the organization. Despite this improvements Kenya wildlife service still faces resistance to change by managers and staffs, and challenges of political interference directing procurement to their interests. The study recommends the adoption of flexible tendering process through appropriate research that is more sustainable and advises strict adherence to procurement actions that are ethical and legal.



How to Cite
Kipsaiya, S. L., & Richu, S. (2016). Does Tendering Processing Enhance Organizational Performance? Analysis of Kenya Wildlife Service. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(4). Retrieved from