Reinventing Workplace: The Impact of Office Design on Business Performance


Kritika Chopra


In year 2003, a virtual survey was held by management today magazine in which 97 percent of respondents said that they regarded their workplace as a significant symbol even if they are or they aren't valued by their employer. Yet only 37 percent employers thought that their offices were designed with keeping their work people in their perspective, and others were just ashamed of their offices to bring back clients or colleagues. Like other gaps that occur in any other business, this is a much neglected gap which should get urgent attention in the boardroom and worry management. So why in the face of emerging international competition many companies still continue to dress themselves in rags in a country which must earn its living by its wits? The value of ways in which an office design can create for business through economy and improving performance of its people is inadequately understood. This is a very important and timely research towards a connection link between office design and business performance. This paper provides a map for challenges and opportunities addressing business design and accommodation needs and productivity in business. With insights to different design factors and elements affecting business performance, the paper tells about the encouraging collaboration and innovation learning from other sectors. The question is to evaluate the relationship between business performance and the design of workplace


How to Cite
Chopra, K. (2016). Reinventing Workplace: The Impact of Office Design on Business Performance. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(4). Retrieved from