Factors Influencing Implementation of Temenons T24 Core Banking System: Case of Banqure Populaire Du Rwanda


Farai Mangwanda
Gregory S. Namusonge
Marcel Ndengo
Joseph Oduor


Banks are increasingly using projects in their daily work to achieve corporate goals. Despite all the advantages that the Temenos T24 system brings to its customers, most of the implementation services have experienced challenges ranging from not completing the implementation projects on budget, on time and in most cases the projects not being completed. In recent years researchers have become increasingly interested in factors that may have an impact on project management effectiveness and the success of projects. However, there is little research that shows how effectively core banking projects are managed and how they should be managed. The study sought to evaluate the factors influencing implementation of Temenos T24 core banking system in Banqure Populaire du Rwanda. To answer this, the study explicitly clarified significance of: dependencies between organization structures, human resource factors, technical competencies and project risk management. The study adopted descriptive research design. Purposive sampling was used to determine the sample size. Primary data for the study was collect educing structured questionnaires that were administered to the respondents. The population for this study comprised of staff from key departments of the bank who were charged with T24 core banking system development and implementation. For the purpose of this study, 54 staff were interviewed. Data collected processed through the SPSS version 21 and the output analyzed. From the study it was Human Resource management, Technical competency and project risk management (0.894, 0.661, 0.493, and 0.402) respectively.

All the factors had a significant p-value (p<0.05) at 95% confidence level. The significance values for relationship between implementation of T24 core banking system and organisational structure, Human Resource management, Technical competency and project risk management were 0.018, 0.031, 0.024 and 0.046 respectively. The positive relationship indicates that there is a correlation between the factors influencing implementation of T24 core banking system in BPR. The study recommends that the management of BPR should come up with measures to address the reported internal challenges in T24 implementation. The communication should be enhanced between all stake holders in the process of T24 implementation. The banks management should continue to lender their support and guidance to the banks' staff during the whole process of T24 implementation.



How to Cite
Mangwanda, F., Namusonge, G. S., Ndengo, M., & Oduor, J. (2016). Factors Influencing Implementation of Temenons T24 Core Banking System: Case of Banqure Populaire Du Rwanda. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(4). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/126360

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