Changing Consumption Pattern


Rohini Suresh


Consumption usually considered as a stable function of income but now a day consumption pattern undergoes vast change. Today's world consumption depends on many subjective and objective factors. Subjective factor includes ensure liquidity, successful management, financial prudence's, more money for future business development etc. Objective factors include change in general price level, fiscal policy and it impact on economy, rate of interest, stock of wealth, windfall gain and losses, income distribution, change in expectation. Majority of the people are influenced by advertisement, trends, fashion etc. That is psychological factor ruling the consumption behavior. These behavior of consumer are exploited by MNCs and cooperate world. The study tries to analyses the consumption behavior among the rural and urban youth and middle age group. This study also tries to make an analysis on consumption differences among male and female.



How to Cite
Suresh, R. (2016). Changing Consumption Pattern. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(5). Retrieved from