Paper on Critical Analysis of Linkage between Performance Management System and Training Function and Designing of Pre & Post Training Feedback Format


Neha Shukla


The current business scenario has greatly impacted the dynamics of managing ‘human resources' in an organization and the ‘war for talent' has become a frequent theme for discussion. Progressive organizations understand that a solid talent bench is quite literally the lifeline to their future success. Organizations, now, are more strategic and deliberate in how they source, attract, select, train, retain, promote, and develop, employees through the organization.

Company's strength is its professionally qualified and experienced human resource and through their synergistic collaboration has been able to achieve all the significant milestones in its Growth journey. The professionally qualified and talented human resource enables the Company to maintain its competitive edge.

Thus, proper capturing of Human Capital Development needs forms the part of strengthening Human Resource base in any Organization and acquisition of appropriate skills and knowledge through Training and utility of the same in day to day work forms an important part of the performance review of an employee. Thus, Training and Training Evaluation tool are very well linked to Performance Management System.

This paper is an exploratory type of study aimed at establishing linkage between Performance Management System and Training through Critical Analysis Method and designing a well defined structured Pre and Post Training Feedback Format. The paper makes use of Secondary Data and through Critical Analysis concludes with various recommendations.



How to Cite
Shukla, N. (2016). Paper on Critical Analysis of Linkage between Performance Management System and Training Function and Designing of Pre & Post Training Feedback Format. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(5). Retrieved from