A Study on Job Stress among Employees in Banking Sector


Brijmohan Vyas
Tejashree Vandakudri


The objective of the paper is to study about different factors creating stress and to assess the extent of stress experienced by the employees of bank.

According to Beehr and Newman, "stress is a condition arising from the interaction of people and their jobs and characterized by changes within people that force them to deviate from their normal functioning”

Nowadays employees have to deal with so many different demands and pressure, emotional, physical, and administrative and management duties but also to some inconsiderate family demands and wants. Besides that, employees have to face Role-conflict, Role-Ambiguity, Team conflict, Frail Interpersonal relationships, Motivelessness and powerlessness are some of the main contributions to the increased causes of stress among employees.

The intention behind this paper is to find the major factors that cause stress to the employees of bank. For achieving the objectives of study, survey was conducted. For the survey, personal interviews were conducted for various bank employees, Personal interviews was selected as the mode of survey to make the study more meaningful and so that maximum information could be collected. For conducting personal interviews for the bank employees, a structured questionnaire was prepared for a sample size of 100 respondents.

According to the results of the analysis, the major parameters of causing the factors of stress are being observed, when these parameters are compared work-overload, team conflict, role ambiguity, role conflict, frail interpersonal relationships, motivelessness, and powerlessness have greater impact for causing stress upon employees in banking sector.

The research findings also indicate that the major parameters of work-overload, team conflict, role ambiguity, role conflict, frail interpersonal relationships, motivelessness, and powerlessness causes stress and thus shows the extent of stress among employees. Most of the respondents say that stress is during whole session due to work overload, so they have to maintain proper work plan to help reduce the work pressure, when there is shortage of workers, they can outsource the employees to reduce the stress and work-overload.

In this regard it can be concluded that to overcome these factors of stress, they can implement programs like Meditation, yoga and other health care programs. They can implement other programs on relationship building and maintaining to have healthy employee relations and work environment. Thus the objective of the study is fulfilled

Purpose: The paper has motive of finding the actual factors that cause stress at workplace or organisation and to provide proper suggestions to reduce stress.

Methodology: The study involves descriptive methodology and survey of bank employees.


How to Cite
Vyas, B., & Vandakudri, T. (2016). A Study on Job Stress among Employees in Banking Sector. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(5). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/126561