A Study on Emotional Labour and Its Impacts on the Employees (Nursing Staff) of Health Care Sector


Dipneet Saini
Kamil Jahan


"Emotional Labour”, a term most common for the service sector is actually the suppression of actual emotions for the fulfilment of job's purpose and in order to achieve efficiency and productivity at work. The actual psychometric consequences are numerous and are getting rampant by many organizations. Usually the end result of   emotional labour is burnout. Moreover, Spending maximum of the life time with fake emotions and surface acting may lead to the disorders like mental dissonance. And why not, it's just like separating your internal "soul” from your "body” and that literally means that you cannot express your actual feels in order to have proficiency in your work. The gratification of living a life is more in case of those who express their emotions as compared to those who fake them for the fulfilment of their job's requirements. The output of this emotional labour to the employee is mental dissonance and to the organisation is customer satisfaction. And thus, to know and measure these consequences, the researchers have done a study on the emotional labour and its impacts on nursing staff   of the hospitals in the Patiala region of Punjab.


How to Cite
Saini, D., & Jahan, K. (2018). A Study on Emotional Labour and Its Impacts on the Employees (Nursing Staff) of Health Care Sector. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(5). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/126562