Effect of Organizational Leadership on Strategy Implementation in Kenya's Tourism Industry: Case of Kenya Government Tourism Agencies


Juliana M. M. Kyalo
Paul Katuse
Peter Kiriri


Organizations in all sectors are striving to succeed despite the many challenges they face including issues of globalization, rapid changes, especially changes in technology and increased competition among others. Organizations' perspective today in the third world are striving to maximize on their major resources to develop and grow their entities by use of their strategic managers. Companies today are spending most of their time making strategies so as to out win their competitors within a rapidly changing environment. Thus the strategies formulated have to be well implemented to yield success against competitors. The implementation process has to be well managed, led and monitored. This study was motivated by the need to establish the influence organizational leadership had on strategy implementation. The data was collected through questionnaires and interviews with a sample size of 327 in the Kenya government tourism agencies. The data was analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found that aspects of leadership such as motivation and reward of employees were highly positively correlated with objective and profit realization which measured strategy implementation. Both motivation and rewards positively influence realization of objectives and profits in organizations. The motivation of employees led to highly motivated and committed workforce which increases individual productivity and subsequent increased performance and success in achievement of organizational objectives and profits.


How to Cite
Kyalo, J. M. M., Katuse, P., & Kiriri, P. (2016). Effect of Organizational Leadership on Strategy Implementation in Kenya’s Tourism Industry: Case of Kenya Government Tourism Agencies. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(6). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/126570

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