Assessment of Factors Hindering the Growth of Women Owned Small Enterprises in Moshi Municipality: A Case of Kiboriloni Market, Tanzania


Gidion Obeid Njuga


While a lot has been written about challenges which women face in the course of starting their business, this paper examine the challenges women entrepreneurs encounter in the course of growing their businesses. Increasing family responsibilities, lack of cooperation and support, unnecessary government interferences, poor business environment, increased tax burden and market challenges are some of the reasons brought forward by women as the reason for slow growth of their business. The study provides insight on what different stakeholders should do to ensure the balance ground for both men and women owned businesses.

Kiboriloni market which was chosen because it is the big market in Moshi municipal and where there is large concentration of business women in comparison to other business areas in Moshi, has enabled the researcher to get firsthand experience which what is happening in the field and therefore exposes the working reality which is important for policy makers if the developing countries should foster the growth speed economically.


How to Cite
Njuga, G. O. (2016). Assessment of Factors Hindering the Growth of Women Owned Small Enterprises in Moshi Municipality: A Case of Kiboriloni Market, Tanzania. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(6). Retrieved from