Study on Marketable Surplus of Wheat in Indore District of M.P., India


Harkesh Kumar Balai
Veena Rathore
S. K. Jain
Sandhya Choudhary


As observed in data the average production wheat per farm was found to be 42.78 quintals. Among the total production of wheat on an average 12.02 quintal (28.10% of total production) was utilized as family requirement to total production. For family requirement, the quantity of wheat retained by size group wise data shows that the small farmers retained wheat for consumption requirement is lowest i.e. 7.08 quintal per farm which is the highest proportion (34.93% of total production of small farmers) in comparison to other size group. It can be concluded that overall, on an average 28.10 per cent of the total wheat produce was utilized for various consumption purpose and remaining 71.90 per cent of the produce remained as marketable surplus. The data also shows that among the all size of farmers, the percentage of wheat consumption to total available wheat was found to decrease with increase in size of holding.


How to Cite
Balai, H. K., Rathore, V., Jain, S. K., & Choudhary, S. (2016). Study on Marketable Surplus of Wheat in Indore District of M.P., India. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(6). Retrieved from