Reward & Recognition Program: A Case of Consumer Electrical Equipment Manufacturing Company in India


Sreekanth Vemuri
Kavita Laghate


The study examines the impact of Reward and Recognition program introduced by an Indian consumer electrical equipment manufacturing company. To gain employee satisfaction in today's competitive era, company has newly introduced a mechanism of Reward and Recognition apart from its existing performance incentive schemes. The research was exploratory. The sample size was 272 and sampling procedure used was purposive and convenience. The responses were captured electronically. Descriptive statistics was used to explore the data.

The study findings indicate that the employees feel the current Reward and Recognition program is impactful and it may help the organization to further engage their employees leading to job satisfaction.


How to Cite
Vemuri, S., & Laghate, K. (2016). Reward & Recognition Program: A Case of Consumer Electrical Equipment Manufacturing Company in India. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(7). Retrieved from