Sexual Harassment Act and its Awareness at Workplace: An Analysis


Mehak Sharma


Our society has witnessed the changes over centuries in the social customs and status of women in India, right from traditional thinking where the duty of a women is merely to assist her husband to efficiently perform his duties and to carry on pedigree by giving birth to children and to look after them, to the present era where women are independent in taking their decisions. All thanks to international labor organization for it who started the initiative to improve the plight of women and upliftment of the status of women today up to this level. At present, around 30% of women are working, which is though a less number but their increasing participation in workforce leads us to think about their safety and security at workplace. As article 14 and article 21 of Indian constitution provides fundamental right of gender equality and life with dignity to all. Government in order to ensure it has taken many steps like implementation of sexual harassment act, 2103 but still such cases of workplace sexual harassment at workplace are increasing, the problem here is of AWARENESS.

In the introductory section this paper aims to reveal the present status of women in our society and role of international labor organization in upliftment of their status and safety at workplace, the second part deals with government measures  taken against sexual harassment at workplace, the third part deals with the employer's perception regarding sexual harassment act, fourth section deals with awareness level among employees regarding this act and in the fifth section the relation of education level and designation on awareness of women.


How to Cite
Sharma, M. (2016). Sexual Harassment Act and its Awareness at Workplace: An Analysis. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(7). Retrieved from