Work Life Balance in Context of Indian Women


Satish Puranam


Increasing women work force in all walks of life and all organizations in India in the last decade has made Work Life Balance amongst Women employees as a very important subject. Women play a very pivotal role in the Indian Family structure and are taking on responsible positions in many organizations, and women have struggled a lot to establish their identity in the male dominated corporate world, both in terms of social life and corporate life. With increasing industrialization, explosion of IT & ITES sectors and Services & Hospitality Sectors, there are ever increasing opportunities for Women to excel. The increased availability and access to higher education and vocational education to women has also made them ready to en-cash on these opportunities. In the background of fast growing competitive world, ever expanding globalization, and intense internal and external competitiveness, organizations need to create a congenial and positive Work Life Balance environment to foster good talent and enhance the productivity of Women Employees. The Organizations need to be aware of the Indian Family expectations of Women to provide intensive parenting, highly involved childbearing and child development, and play multiple roles of an ideal wife, and adoring parent and also a caring daughter in-law in the family. The contradictions of the multiple role demands have to be balanced by the organizations supporting women with policies that are encouraging and friendly to foster an healthy environment for enhanced productivity. This article has explored the various bodies of study conducted in the recent past and compiled relevant suggestions to organizations to deliver a positive WLB for women.


How to Cite
Puranam, S. (2016). Work Life Balance in Context of Indian Women. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(8). Retrieved from