Psychopathic Disorder Analysis and the Process of Change


Alawi M. Dawuda
Shuaib Ibrahim


In organizational setting, change and leadership management deal specifically with a more elaborate structured approach to redesigning the organization, both in structure and approach, where individuals and teams or groups are transitioned from the current state of reality to a more idealized future state. The sole purpose of this whole arrangement is to assist employees and other stakeholders to accept the compelling changes in the current business architecture. Premised on this principle, this paper examined the process of change in a Selected Organization infected with the key characteristics of a "Psychopathic Disorder. The key issues examined in the paper include, the conceptual foundation of change management, analysis of the key characteristics of "Psychopathic Disorder”, and the approach or framework to addressing this disorder. 


How to Cite
Dawuda, A. M., & Ibrahim, S. (2016). Psychopathic Disorder Analysis and the Process of Change. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(8). Retrieved from