Influence of Conflict Management Styles and its Impact on Organizational Commitment among Women Employees in IT Sector in Chennai City, Tamil Nadu, India


S. Saranya


I think what makes people fascinating is conflict, it's drama, it's the human condition. Nobody wants to watch perfection.

Nicolas Cage

In the present study the Influence of Conflict Management Styles and its Impact on Organizational Commitment is examined among Women Employees in IT sector in Chennai city. Data were obtained from 108 women employees working in IT sector through questionnaire. The variables were measured under the different conflict management styles such as Confrontation, Public/Private behavior, Emotional expression, Conflict approach and Self-disclosure whereas organizational commitment was measured using Affective commitment, Continuance Commitment and Normative Commitment.  Results from correlation revealed that the highest correlation between all the factors of conflict management and organizational commitment.  There is a positive correlation between all the factors.  Regression analysis revealed that emotional expression with the beta coefficient of 0.402 is having larger impact on the conflict management style and organizational commitment.  Better conflict management practices lead employees with greater commitment and better job performance.


How to Cite
Saranya, S. (2016). Influence of Conflict Management Styles and its Impact on Organizational Commitment among Women Employees in IT Sector in Chennai City, Tamil Nadu, India. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(8). Retrieved from