Reducing Waiting Time in Outpatient Services: Six Sigma Approach


Omkar More
Sudha Pathak


OPDs, also called as the window or face-of hospital services are hospitals impression to the patients. This impression often influences the patient's sensitivity to the hospital and therefore it is essential to ensure that OPD services provide an excellent experience for customers. It is also well-established that 8-10 per cent of OPD patients need hospitalization. This study demonstrates:

1) Strong& inverse relationship between:-

a)       Short waiting time & positive feedback.

b)       Short waiting time & increase in patient footfalls.

2) Efficient use of human resource.

Purpose of Study: To increase patient satisfaction.

Goal of this quality improvement project was to reduce waiting time & to calculate cost of quality.

Methodology used was Lean Six Sigma (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control). The process starts from patient in OPD to consultation, was included in the project. The non-value added steps in the process were identified, and actions were initiated. A cause and effect diagram was prepared for high patient waiting time, and causes were validated with the help of data collected from the process.

Result: Significant reduction in waiting time was achieved in the OPD (p = .001) by using the six sigma approach. Average waiting time has come down from 90 40 mins. Compliance to initial nursing assessment increased from 50% to 98.56%. Patient satisfaction score rose from 79% to 91% also increase in patient footfalls by 50% was observed with efficient use of human resource.

This project has helped the clinicians and the hospital management to identify the scope of improvement in the process. Also, the practicality of deploying six sigma in a healthcare scenario was justified with help of this study.


How to Cite
More, O., & Pathak, S. (2016). Reducing Waiting Time in Outpatient Services: Six Sigma Approach. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(8). Retrieved from