Tourism Strategy Development in North Sulawesi, Indonesia


Lisbeth Mananeke


The potential and natural resources of North Sulawesi province has become the hallmark of much beauty which are the main attraction, especially following events such as the World Ocean Conference (WOC), Coral Triangle Interactive (CTI), the ministerial meeting of ASEAN economic ministers, and this has become a transit point and center economic growth in eastern Indonesia. In addition, North Sulawesi hosted the ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM), 2011, Pacific Partnership 2012, ASEAN TEORISM Forum (ATF) 2012, the 3rd Asia Pacific Choir Games 2013, World Coral Conference (WCC) in 2014 and various national and international sporting events subsequently leading to the development of North Sulawesi. This leads to an increase in economic value and in the number of foreign tourists. The implementation of regional autonomy has been imposed in the law No. 32 and 33 of 2004 on local governance and financial balance between central and local government, is a tremendous opportunity for local governments to manage and develop the potential economic of the region. Illegal fishing and the use of chemicals that are harmful are the biggest threats to the development of tourism in North Sulawesi. Natural wealth in North Sulawesi is very attractive compared with the main tourist destinations in Indonesia such as Bali.

The main obstacle is the communication skills (soft skills). SWOT analysis shows the variables of internal factors are the strengths are: natural resources, the condition of the area, tourist sites, labor, and cultures, as well as various culinary. While the weaknesses are: infrastructure, communication skills, community participation, information systems and development of the area. Furthermore, from the SWOT analysis it is also found that the external variables that factor is the opportunity is an extension OTDA, information technology, and North Sulawesi's designation as host of various national also other international events. While threats are: illegal fishing and the unstable political situation. Local governments need to create an investment climate to attract investors into tourism sector along with the preparation of quality human resources that are reliable to be able to compete in the globalization era. Communities also need to be motivated to improve itself in order to communicate in foreign languages, especially English, to attract foreign tourists. In addition, information technology becomes an absolutely necessary as a media campaign.


How to Cite
Mananeke, L. (2016). Tourism Strategy Development in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(10). Retrieved from