Knowledge Sharing Practice in Public Service College of Oromia (PSCO)


Tarekegn Jebessa Tesgera


Many scholars have debated on the meaning of both knowledge and knowledge sharing for many decades. For the sake of this research, knowledge is all facts, feelings or experiences known by a person or group of people (Collins English Dictionary, 2009). Basically, organizations can obtain knowledge from two sources. The first is through acquisition and the second source of knowledge is innovation. 

All knowledge (whether externally acquired of internally created) should be shared effectively to create a learning organization. Generally, the basic preposition behind this research is that if the given organization is able to promote these preconditions of effective knowledge sharing, then there is no doubt the concerned organization can exploit different comparative and competitive advantages.

Based on the above concepts, the investigator has conducted investigation to know what the Knowledge Sharing Practice in Public Service College of Roomier looks like.

To exhaust the research, he adopted a concurrent mixed research design approach where both qualitative and quantitative techniques will be used. Questioners, face-to-face interview, observations and focus group interview were used as a data collecting instruments. Both probabilistic and non-probabilistic approaches were used to take samples from the sample frame.  To rigorously analyze the collected data, the researcher implemented frequency distribution tables, mean, variance, standard deviation, and correlation. The study is limited to Public Service College of Oromia(PSCO).  

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How to Cite
Tesgera, T. J. (2016). Knowledge Sharing Practice in Public Service College of Oromia (PSCO). The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(10). Retrieved from