KM Practices in Courier Industry – An Exploratory Study


Ankit Mehrotra
Reeti Agarwal


Information has become the key to a company's success today be it information about your customers, your competitors, the market, economy or any other factor that might affect the company's success or failure. However, with this overload of information the challenge facing organizations is the need to sieve this data to be able to gain valuable information which can be used to increase the effectiveness and the efficiency of the company. Information technology can help play a major role in the management and use of required information with Knowledge Management (KM) being an operative concept to help companies manage this information richness.  The present study explores the KM initiatives taken in a particular industry i.e. the courier industry. Data has been collected from 8 courier companies to find out how data is captured, updated and disseminated by the courier companies.


How to Cite
Mehrotra, A., & Agarwal, R. (2016). KM Practices in Courier Industry – An Exploratory Study. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(12). Retrieved from