Human Resource Practices in Managing Employee Performance


Thurairajah Subramaniam
Awangku Hassanal Bahar Pengiran Bagul Bagul
Datu Razali Datu Eranza


The research was undertaken as an exploratory study to examine the relationship of Human Resource Practices and Employee Performance of Royal Malaysia Police. Human Resource Practices in this study were comprised by of Rules and Procedure, Training and Development, and Promotion Opportunity. Dependent variables are constructed of Employee Performance that is Communication Skills, and Integrity and Professionalism. The research was done in Kota Kinabalu Police District. 236 respondents involved, based on quantitative method using survey questionnaire as the data collection instrument. The result indicated Human Resource Practices play an important role to both employee performance in communication skills, and integrity and professionalism.



How to Cite
Subramaniam, T., Bagul, A. H. B. P. B., & Eranza, D. R. D. (2015). Human Resource Practices in Managing Employee Performance. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(2). Retrieved from