Users Satisfaction Survey


Zerihun Abera


In the past few decades, there has been a growing emphasis on the need for public organizations to see the public (citizens) as customers. The trend in public sector management is changing that users increasingly used to describe the users of service delivered by government bodies although traditionally associated with the private sector. These customers have rights and responsibilities towards quality service delivery. In this regard, the Ethiopian government has recognized the need for appropriate service delivery policy to encourage public service organizations improve their services to attain user satisfaction. However, the performance of Dilla University in providing quality service is not in a position to meet the expectation of service users. The complaints on the quality of service and response from the users for lack of the services were indicative of poor service delivery performance in the University. Therefore, the major purpose of the study is assessing service delivery and customer satisfaction level of Dilla University. It also tries to identify the major areas of problem in relation to service delivery. The analysis was conducted using a descriptive survey method by clustering the respondents into teaching staffs, students and administration staffs; where the main focus was taken to the users, hence their service perception reflects the actual service provision of the university. The sample is selected using simple random sampling technique. To do this, the customers are first stratified according to academic and administration. Then questionnaires were distributed to 233 customers by using simple random sampling technique.  Only primary data was used in the study. Moreover, structured questionnaires and focus group discussion are tools used to gather relevant information and statistical tools like percentage, tables and charts are used to analyze the data.



How to Cite
Abera, Z. (2015). Users Satisfaction Survey. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(7). Retrieved from