A Study on "E- Shopping Trends in Metropolitan cities of India with Special Reference to Bangalore City”


Jonita Preethi Sequeira


Online shopping is catching up in India due to several reasons. Online shopping or E-shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to buy goods or services directly from a seller over the internet using web browser. The evolution of online shopping has opened the door of opportunity to exploit and provide a competitive advantage over firms. The motive of the study is to find e-shopping Trends, awareness level of E-shopping sites among the people, to examine the factors influencing online Shopping and the barriers for e-shopping in Metropolitan Cities of India with special reference to Bangalore city. A research questionnaire was designed to collect the primary data from target population of corporate employees, Professional Employees, Students and Businessmen of Bangalore city with random sampling survey and with the sample size of 202 research respondents. From the collected data a descriptive and analytical study is conducted to determine the e-shopping trends in India. From this research study it was found that, e-shopping in India is at the growing phase. Majority of the customers often visit e-shopping sites like Amazon.com, Flipkart.com Snapdeal.com, Myntra.com. Customers prefer to buy certain products through e-shopping mainly the Electronic Gadgets like Mobile phones, Camera, Laptops etc and cloths. The factors which influence the customers are time saving, Convenience, home delivery of the products from e-tailers, variety of products, easy payment methods, avoiding the crowd and Discounts/offers. The barriers to e-shopping are basically network issues, quality of the product, shopping charges, intangibility (unable to try on item, close quality examination, fear of scams.


How to Cite
Sequeira, J. P. (2015). A Study on "E- Shopping Trends in Metropolitan cities of India with Special Reference to Bangalore City”. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(7). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/127534