Identify and Evaluate the Skill Gap between Industry and Academic a Study in a B-School


Sandhya Tewari
Bharati Deshpande


The hyper-competitive economy has bought in a lot of challenges and competitions for the corporate to survive in the market. It is necessary to have a right skill, knowledge, attitude and resourcefulness of people is critical to sustain development and survive in the dynamic markets. In recent past there has been a constant debate about the quality of management graduates and their employability. As per the a survey conducted by the Associated chambers of Commerce and industry of India(Asscham)currently has 3900 Business schools and only 10% of management are actually employable despite of the great demand. Therefore the corporate's are looking out for a talent pool and the business schools are not able to cope up with the corporate expectation. This research attempts to identify the required skill expectations of the corporate and is based on exploratory research and identified five broad categories, i.e interpersonal skills, communication skills, attitude, decision making and ethics. On the other hand a primary data was collected to identify the existing skill sets amongst management students. . A questionnaire was designed based on the above variables and primary data was collected from a sample size of 117 management students. The analysis was carried out using SPSS  package. Implications and the findings are  further discussed and the role of management institutes to bridge the skill gap has been discussed.


How to Cite
Tewari, S., & Deshpande, B. (2015). Identify and Evaluate the Skill Gap between Industry and Academic a Study in a B-School. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(8). Retrieved from