A Study of Brand-Focused Buying Behaviour of Young Indian Consumers in Apparel and Footwear Segments


B. S. Sandhu
Amreen Thind


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the prevailing brand-preferences mainly depicting young Indian consumers' focus on brands and the nature of such focus while buying in general and in specific apparel and footwear segments. The paper has three main objectives; firstly, to explore the nature of present brand-focus in apparel and footwear product segments; secondly, to compare the nature of brand-preferences between students and working professionals; thirdly, to investigate their future brand-inclinations in apparel and footwear category.

Methodology – In this study, qualitative techniques were applied using a sample size of 200, out of which 100 students and 100 young working professionals were selected. The instrument used for measurement in this study is a self-structured, three-layered questionnaire designed to collect data corresponding with the objectives. The data was analysed and results were reported by using descriptive frequencies.

Findings – The paper provides empirical insights about brand-engaged buying behaviour of young Indian consumers and their preference behaviour in branded apparel and branded footwear segments, its present nature, and future inclinations. The results suggest that in-general, consumers prefer middle-ranged brands, the brand-title symbolises ‘quality' perceptions for the majority of respondents in-general as well as for apparel & footwear segment in-particular. Both students and working population prefer ‘national brands' for both apparel and footwear segments, with more number of students preferring ‘international brands' than working professionals presently.

Research limitations – The sample was taken from North Indian cities only considering a mix of educated, aware and growing classes which may not be the exact representation of the entire young Indian population.

Practical implications – Paper provides useful implications for the brand managers and marketers by suggesting (i) young Indian consumer's nature of brand-engaged buying behaviour, and (ii) their buying guide that determines basis of their decision-making while choosing between brands both in apparel and footwear segments. From these clues, the marketers can develop and adopt desired brand-attributes and price levels as acceptable to this segment of consumers (students and young professionals).

Originality/value – This paper explains the nature of consumer's brand-engaged behaviour and tendencies while analysing the immediate brand-attached buying inclinations. This descriptive study and evaluation of brand-preferences is separate from the studies which explore the underlying brand-related motives or factors affecting brand-preferences in relation to which there exist evidences in the marketing literature already.


How to Cite
Sandhu, B. S., & Thind, A. (2015). A Study of Brand-Focused Buying Behaviour of Young Indian Consumers in Apparel and Footwear Segments. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(9). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/127554